My rating: 4 of 5 stars
** Solid Enemies to Lovers 4.5 stars**
Ok so I don't usually like to read books where only one is completed in the series and the release date is so new.
Unfortunately, I am a rather impatient person and my mental health can't really handle cliff hangers or any kind of waiting. (I have a hard time in lines at amusement parts too). So needless to say I was a little iffy on starting this book right now.

BUT! I am super glad I did :) I enjoyed this read more than any other book I have read in quite a while.
Maddie is probably going to go down as being one of my most favorite heroines. She was tough as shit with a selfless heart and a beautiful soul. I loved that she had such a good heart and sacrificed for her loved ones, but the fact that she was like that didn't turn her into some wilting flower. She stood up for herself and didn't take shit from anyone and I freaking loved that. I also loved that this book didn't have any of the cliche drama between the misfit chick at school and the perfect blond Barbie Squad.
Aric underwent a great transformation if a bit cliche (I was ok with that though, seeing as it was probably the only cliche thing in this book) He was a spoiled little shit who gets the chance by way of blackmail to spend some time with a girl he thought of as trash and soon learned that she was in fact a tressure that even all his loads of money couldn't purchase.
Spoilers below - but don't worry - I kept them hidden for those of you who hate spoilage -
UNPOPULAR OPINION ALERT - So, I am a person who very much enjoys older man/younger woman stories and really dislikes younger man/older woman stories - I know that may be shocking, but it is true. I don't know why, but I read that and immediately say, "Nope, this is not for me."
Anyway! I digress but I promise I am still on topic... mostly... ANYWAY! So In the beginning of this story (view spoiler) I actually really enjoyed the take Hart gave Maddie on this and the direction she took it. It kind of puts front and center the idea that although the boys might be all about it because this hot older woman is giving them attention that doesn't mean that it's ok. (view spoiler) Whether you are a man or a woman, it doesn't matter. It is never ok to seduce a CHILD'S and use their overly active teenage hormones as an excuse for your behavior. During the course of this book Aric starts to realize with Maddie's company that maybe he wasn't such a willing participant at first in his relationship with the OW. He had never really considered that before and I thought that was an interesting take. - NOW LET'S BE CLEAR - I am not saying that ALL older woman and younger man relationships are bad or predatory. To each their own, as long as everyone is of age and consenting, you do you. I just thought this book kind of sheds a little light on the issue and I liked it.
SO let's move on to the reasons it lost that half star for me. -
I would have to say this is mostly due to some story and plot holes along with some character issues. Maddie has a brother and sister who are supposed to be the most important things in the world to her but we don't actually even SEE them until more than halfway through the book. And there was an opportunity to do so.
Also, there is the issue of Blake. To me, there was a lot more development of the Hannah and Royal relationship than there was of any Blake relationship and I was a bit bummed that the next book is Blake. He didn't catch my interest as much, but I'm still very down to read it. ["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>
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