My rating: 4 of 5 stars
So, super honesty time, I read this book strictly because of that cover

Thankfully, it was also my favorite kind of story!
~This was a really cute college football romance that had all the same ingredients of many other stories of this trope; The college Jock manwhore who never commits, the girl who won't give him the time of day, she finally gives in and happiness ensues until drama happens creating an insurmountable rough patch, they kiss and make up, then finally we come to the happily ever after.
~ There are a lot of people who say that this is boring and repetitive being the same basic story every time, but I personally like it. You can get just as much enjoyment out of a story like this as you can out of a story with unexpected twists and turns and unpredictable plot lines. It all comes down to the author and how well they connect you to the characters and their struggles.
At first I was not sure how much I was going to like Brady. He seemed like a huge prick. And not in the way that you like, the Alpha-hole way, but like the kind of hero that still wants to fuck around even after they meet the heroine. BUT he ship-shaped up real fast!
The step-mom Cindy can go suck a fat one. Hate her.
Can't wait to read about the rest of the boys :)
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