My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I am not even sure how to feel or think or be after this book...
I... I... I think I need a minute...

"Don't forget me," Emma whispered. "How could I forget my other half?" he whispered back"
WOW, wow, wow... I freaking LOVED this book! It was so dark and twisted and messed up and just AMAZING!
I was a little hesitant at first because UNPOPULAR OPINION ALERT! I was not a fan of her Degradation series. Sorry, it just wasn't for me. All the "open relationship" BS... just... no....
So needless to say I was a little skittish coming into this thinking there might be some similar triggers for me, but seeing all the great reviews I just had to do it. DAMN, Am I glad I did!!
This is one of those books that gives you that anxious, excited feeling in your stomach the whole time you're reading it. Then when someone interrupts you you're like

I think I owe my 3 year old an apology...
Anyway! This book is freaking amazing.
Emma is a severely troubled young woman, who has become that way due to years (a lifetime really) of abuse and neglect and just shitty family and peers. She has had a rough go of it and it has created some deep seated psychological issues. The story begins with her living with her mother and new step-father and starting a new school. This takes place in a very small town so everyone at the school knows everyone else, as happens with all small towns. She introduces herself to us with inner dialogue that slowly shows you how broken down she is as a person.
Later that night after coming home late from a party she runs into her new step-brother at home, who she has yet to meet. Church doesn't speak. Not to anyone, but for some reason he speaks to her, albeit, very limited, but he does.
Something about church calls to Emma, and so begins her obsession and their very unhealthy relationship. I loved the way the writer was able to make you relate with Emma so well even though you know she is FAR "crazier", as she says, then the average bird. Throughout the whole story you can see the instability building, but she as the character knows its happening and acknowledges her it's ridiculousness so you can relate to her so well. You feel for her and can understand all her decisions.
"She wasn't stupid. What she felt for Church was moving so far beyond obsession, they hadn't even invented a name for it yet. Emotional cannibalism? She wanted to be inside his thoughts. His touches. His every waking moment."
To make the average reader relate to a character who is so far off the "normal" spectrum. It really is incredible writing and character development.
Church is most definitely my favorite type of "anti-hero" to read about. He is so mysterious through this whole thing even though there are parts of the story told from his POV. He is drawn to Emma, but really only wants to use her as a "tool" toward his end goal. Along the way he builds a deeper connection with her.
"For the first time ever, I'm scared. Scared of the thoughts I'm having, scared of the way she makes me feel. Like maybe she's not just someone else to play with. Maybe she's more. Maybe she was meant for me."
These characters were just beyond f**ked up, but somehow you root for them anyway and they just felt... epic
"Maybe we were meant to be great together."
"You don't know how to love," she croaked out. "But you're such a clever girl," he chuckled. "You taught me how, and I didn't even realize it."
There are twists and turns you don't see coming and suspense and emotion. And even though this book does have multiple sex scenes it doesn't feel smutty or overly graphic in the least. It's just perfect...
I think I waited all of 1 min to read the next in the duet and that is because I had to search and download it to my kindle...
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