Books, Books, Books, oh! and more books ;)

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Cards of Love: The PopeCards of Love: The Pope by L.P. Lovell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


WOW! Whoever would have thought a priest of the Catholic Church could get you so hott...


"I want to desecrate her body in every way because I can’t remember the last time I saw something so beautiful, so utterly pure, yet so devastatingly tainted."

"I want her broken and crumbling. I want her crawling on her knees for me, begging for salvation only I can give."


I have not read anything by L.P. Lovell before, but now I am thinking that I need to open up more of her books! This was easily the best book I have read in this series yet and one of my favorites this year. The writing was fantastic, I just wanted to keep highlighting everything I came across.

~ Pope is pretty TABOO in that it does have a "forbidden" relationship between a Catholic Priest and one of his flock, but there is a twist that makes that it even more exciting.

NOTE: Definitely DON'T read this if you are at all sensitive to triggers relating religion because it is definitely got some holy desecration...

~ Delilah is a young girl in college with a mom who is basically out of the picture and a father who is distant and overbearing. She has always been a "good girl", basically doing what her father tells her and going for the major he wants for her even if it does not make her happy. We come into the story when she is having a semi breakthrough and decides to tall her father to keep his tuition money and she is gonna do what she wants. She has always been attracted to the "bad boy" type and finds this in Nate. He is a sinfully hot young drug dealer for a local mafia group. She begins working with him during their relationship for the 'high of the thrill' and soon tragedy strikes. Delilah is so overcome with guilt she is just a shell of a person following the incident and finds her way to the local Catholic church, where she meets Judas.

~ Judas
... He is the "beautiful" local priest who has more secrets than Hail Marys. I don't want to say too much about him because I don't want to give away too much of the story. He first meets Delilah when she had passed out drunk in one of the pews. He is instantly drawn to her, seeing the sadness and utter devastation held in her gaze. They form a connection through Confession before she knows it Judas has become the most important person in her life. But, will his secrets destroy this new found bond? Will the truth of her greatest sin tear them apart?

"She thinks I can save her, but little does she know that she asks the devil for salvation."

What a great story with unique twists and turns, suspense, intrigue and HEAT!!

I can't wait to read Saint!! HURRY HURRY!!

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