My rating: 4 of 5 stars
4.5 Badd Satrs!! (in this case Badd means Fantastic!)
"My first thought the moment I laid eyes on you, was that you were an angel. You took my breath away then, and you've taken it away every single damn day since."
What was not to like about this book! 'Badd'ass heroine, reclusive bartender Hero shredded with muscles that call out to any tongue in a 50 mile radius, 7 (Yes! You heard right- SEVEN!) Equally delectable brothers to read about in subsequent books, great and witty writing, interesting plot points, and Holy Mother of Sexual Encounters! (this books is ...naughty...)

We start out with the wedding of our heroine who ends up heartbroken and running away because (view spoiler)
Dru (heroine) Ends up in an Alaskan dive bar where she meets Sebastian for the first time. They have an instantaneous physical attraction which Dru is intent on ignoring at first due to the obvious - Just ran out on my wedding yesterday even if it was because he was a TOTAL Douche Nozzel - heartbreak that was going on. It is really fun to see how their connection plays out and watch them grow closer through the story. Through the story the 7 brothers are returning home from their various life travels and it is hilarious to watch how all the brother interact.
There is this scene where Michael comes to the bar and I am like "Hell Yeah! He is coming back to try to win her back and she is about to say "Dude, Go and shove that apology right where your morals have been hiding cuz DONT NOBODY CARE ABOUT YOUR STUPID ASS ANYMORE!! 'Excuse my outburst of emotion'
And I am sorry, but I have to do this...
ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME MICHAEL!!!!!! I am glad this guy is fictional because if he was with me or any one of my peeps, he would be in serious danger of being slowly and painfully dismembered and thrown in the ocean with the sharks. That guy was an actual psycho. (I realize the irony of me calling him psycho after I just talked so casually of dismemberment, but READ IT and you will totally get me.

I loved the ending of this was sweet and just perfect for this story :) I loved that the epilogue is in Zane's POV and leads us into the next book. Can't wait to read about that delicious Navy Seal ;)</["br"]></["br"]></["br"]></["br"]></["br"]></["br"]></["br"]></["br"]></["br"]></["br"]></["br"]></["br"]></["br"]></["br"]></["br"]></["br"]>
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