My rating: 5 of 5 stars
"These waters are swimming with sharks. And you are bleeding." She looks over my shoulder at Cole, then back at me. "But, I can think of worse ways to die."
This book.... DAMN This book tho!!

I have to say this book is BAR FAR one of the BEST books I have read this year! IT has everything a lover of darker romance could want! The dark disturbed hero with a sweet center, the badass heroine who 'don't take no shit', interesting secondary characters, excellent plot line, AND kick ass twists!
"I wanna make you a beautiful, broken doll, Austin. ... "All mine to play with"..."All mine to fuck"..."All mine to destroy."

PLUS, Holy Covergasm Batman!

Cole was totally disturbed and crazy (Some serious therapy is needed for this dude), but I loved him regardless. He is very much the anti-hero. I found myself thinking "What is wrong with me that I want him to get away with all his crimes and Austin to just forgive him for anything?!"... Maybe I have problems too...
ANYWAY! Austin is a great heroine who has had to deal with a lot in her young life and still somehow ends up not letting it break her. She never feels sorry for herself, doesn't back down when people push her, and was just easy to connect with. If these characters were any less damaged as individuals their relationship would have never worked. But in the end it comes together beautifully.

We start out with our heroine, Austin Lowes, moving in with her well-to-do father, Bruce and stepmother Celeste. She was shipped off from her mother and mother's boyfriends home to finish the last of her high school to graduation. Now both sets of parents are awful in different ways. Her father involved and uncaring, mother is emotionally abusive and (view spoiler) . Neither care about Austin or what happens to her past how they can exploit her. She gets to her fathers and later that night witnesses a crime being committed by none other then our Hero and his gang of "great white sharks". Cole catches her and thus begins the slow process of Cole taking possession of Austin. His goal in the beginning and throughout most of the book is to use Austin for his own purposes and entrench her in his gangs activities so she won't be able to go the police. Over the course of the book you as the reader sense his feeling turning into something more. He is very stubborn in his acceptance of his true feelings for Austin due to his own inner demons. There are lots of twists and turns, my Kindle might as well have had Gorilla Glue sticking to the cover. I COULD NOT STOP READING!
The ONLY thing I didn't like was that I wanted more! The information covered in the last 10% of the book could have been expanded upon. I know the way she wrote the ending was to create suspense, but it just felt a bit abrupt.
This is some 5 star reading right here and I highly recommend, if you are into dark and gritty romance, PICK IT UP!
Intimate scenes with om/ow: (view spoiler)
Love triangle: (view spoiler)
Cheating: (view spoiler)
Hero rating: 5/5
Heroine rating: 5/5
Steam rating: 5/5
Sexy time frequency: 4/5
Separation: (view spoiler)
HEA: (view spoiler)

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